蔡文鋆,女,华南农业大学经济管理学院讲师,研究方向为企业创新创业、战略领导力、组织行为等,担任Management Decision, Journal of Management and Organization, Nonprofit Management and Leadership,psychological Reports等学术期刊审稿人。
(1) Cai, W., Wu, J., & Gu, J. (2021). From CEO passion to exploratory and exploitative innovation: the moderating roles of market and technological turbulence. Management Decision, 59(6), 1363-1385.
(2) Cai, W., Gu, J., & Wu, J. (2023). How CEO passion promotes firm Innovation: The mediating role of Top Management Team (TMT) creativity and the moderating role of organizational culture. Current Psychology, 42(9), 6963-6979.
(3) Cai, W., Song, J., He, C., Wang, D., & Yang, X. (2024). From employee creativity to leader empowering behaviors: the roles of supervisor–subordinate guanxi and supervisor–subordinate similarity. Journal of Management & Organization, 30(4), 895-909.
(4) Cai, W., Gu, J., & Wu, J. (2023). The effect of corporate social responsibility on open innovation: the moderating role of firm proactiveness. Management Decision. https://doi.org/10.1108/MD-09-2022-1174
(5) Wu, J., Cai, W.*, & Song, Y. (2023). Determinants of social enterprise performance: The role of passion, competence, and organizational legitimacy. Nonprofit Management and Leadership, 33(4), 807-834.
(6) Zhao, D., Cai, W.*, & Li, Z. (2024). When differentiated empowering leadership improves team identification and individual work engagement: the combined roles of performance basis, team-member exchange, and employee self-efficacy. Current Psychology. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12144-024-07107-w
(7) Guo, P., Cai, W.*, & Zhao, L. (2025). Are 'couple partners' always good for business? Unpacking the curvilinear relationship between copreneur power gaps and firm performance in China. Asia Pacific Business Reviewg. https://doi.org/10.1080/13602381.2024.2445720
(8) Yin, J., & Cai, W.* (2025). How IOS Integration Enables Business Model Innovation: An Empirical Study from Organizational Information Processing Perspective. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management. https://doi.org/10.1080/09537325.2024.2448553
(9) Zhao, C., Xu, G., & Cai, W. (2024). Troops are Business Schools: Military Service and Entrepreneurial Behaviors in China. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 10422587241249966.
(10) Zhao, D., & Cai, W. (2021). When does emotional intelligence (EI) benefit team-member exchange? The cross-level moderating role of EI-based leader-member exchange differentiation. Career Development International, 26(3), 391-414.
(11) Deng, G., Cai, W., Yang, M., Lio, J., Feng, C., Ma, X., & Liang, L. (2021). Linking doctor-patient relationship to medical residents’ work engagement: The influences of role overload and conflict avoidance. BMC Family Practice, 22, 191.
(12) He, C., Xiong, H., Cai, W., & Song, J. (2025). How does AI awareness affect employees’ voice behavior in the service industry? A transactional theory of stress perspective. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, forthcoming.
(13) Wei, B., Zhao, C., Cai, W., Chen, B., & Lu, Y. (2024). The entrepreneurial effect of digital infrastructure development: micro evidence from China. Information Technology for Development. https://doi.org/10.1080/02681102.2024.2403143
(14) Yang, J., Yu, T., Song, J., Cai, W., & Teng, R. (2023). A job demands-resources perspective on servant leadership and employee creativity. The Service Industries Journal. https://doi.org/10.1080/02642069.2023.2238612
(15) Liu, M., Tong, X., Zhao, L., & Cai, W. (2025). More Resources or Less Demands? A Three-Wave Longitudinal Study on Student Well-being and Perceived Employability in Entrepreneurship Courses. The International Journal of Management Education, 23(2), 101120,