蔡文鋆,女,华南农业大学经济管理学院讲师,研究方向为企业创新创业、战略领导力、组织行为等,担任Management Decision, Journal of Management and Organization, Nonprofit Management and Leadership,psychological Reports等学术期刊审稿人。
(1)Cai W, Wu J, Gu J*. From CEO passion to exploratory and exploitative innovation: the moderating roles of market and technological turbulence. Management Decision, 2021, 59(6): 1363-1385.
(2)Cai W, Gu J, Wu J*. How CEO passion promotes firm Innovation: The mediating role of Top Management Team (TMT) creativity and the moderating role of organizational culture. Current Psychology, 2021, https://doi.org/10.1007/s12144-021-02030-w
(3)Cai W, Song J, He C, Wang D*, Yang X. From employee creativity to leader empowering behaviors: the roles of supervisor–subordinate guanxi and supervisor–subordinate similarity. Journal of Management & Organization, 2021, https://doi.org/10.1017/jmo.2021.41
(4)Wu J, Cai W*, Song Y. Determinants of social enterprise performance: The role of passion, competence, and organizational legitimacy. Nonprofit Management and Leadership, 2023, https://doi.org/10.1002/nml.21553(5)Zhao D*, Cai W. When does emotional intelligence (EI) benefit team-member exchange? The cross-level moderating role of EI-based leader-member exchange differentiation. Career Development International, 2021, 26(3): 391-414.
(6)Deng G, Cai W, Yang M, et al. Linking doctor-patient relationship to medical residents’ work engagement: The influences of role overload and conflict avoidance. BMC Family Practice, 2021, 22(1): 1-11.