题目:Rising housing prices and marriage delays in China: Evidence from the urban land transaction p...
题目:Contracting with countervailing incentives under asymmetric cost information in a dual-channel...
题目:Capital endowment, health information literacy and healthy dietary behaviors: Evidence from a ...
题目:How organizations leverage digital technology to develop customization and enhance customer re...
作者:陈英楠、张智威、刘仁和*、周舒渲期刊:《经济研究》出版时间:2023年4月 第4期摘要Bai et al.(2006)和C...
作者:唐旺,周聪,陈风波*期刊:《中国农村经济》出版时间:2023年4月 第4期摘要农户的农地流转意愿受偿价格...
作者:万俊毅、潘展弘期刊:《中国农村经济》出版时间:2023年4月 第4期摘要涉农资金统筹整合缘起于税制改革后...
题目:An evidence-based compensation scheme for wildlife damages in giant panda reserves in Sichuan,...
题目:公共服务创新性供给如何促进农业经营主体数字化营销——以广东省“12221”市场体系建设行动为例 作者:...