林家宝,安徽颍上人,华南农业大学经济管理学院教授、博士生导师、市场营销系主任,省级青年人才,华南农业大学“丁颖拔尖学者”。2013年8月—2014年8月在美国新墨西哥大学安德森管理学院访学。主要研究领域为农业企业数字化转型、数字技术创新与扩散,数字营销与消费者行为等。近年来,主持国家自然科学基金项目3项、省部级课题7项,出版专著和教材4部,以第一作者或通讯作者在European Journal of Information Systems、Decision Support Systems、Information & Management、Journal of Business Research、Technological Forecasting and Social Change、Information Processing & Management、Sustainable Development、Internet Research、International Journal of Information Management、Electronic Commerce Research and Applications、Information Technology for Development、南开管理评论、管理科学、管理评论、管理学报等国内外权威期刊发表论文60余篇,其中SSCI收录32篇(JCR一区24篇),ABS4星期刊2篇、ABS3星期刊13篇,ESI高被引论文3篇、ESI热点论文1篇。担任中国农村发展学会理事、中国优选法统筹法与经济数学研究会计算机模拟分会常务理事、广东省数字农业农村咨询专家、广东经济学会常务理事。工作经历:
1.Jiabao Lin, Shaowu Wu, Xin (Robert) Luo. How does big data analytics capability affect firm performance? Unveiling the role of organizational resilience and environmental dynamism, European Journal of Information Systems, 2024, https://dx.doi.org/10.1080/0960085X.2024.2375262.
2.Jiabao Lin, Xin (Robert) Luo, Lei Li, Carol Hsu. Unraveling the effect of organizational resources and top management support on e-commerce capabilities: Evidence from ADANCO-SEM and fsQCA, European Journal of Information Systems, 2024, 33(3): 403-421.
3.Meng An, Jiabao Lin*, Xin (Robert) Luo. The impact of human AI skills on organizational innovation: The moderating role of digital organizational culture, Journal of Business Research, 2024, 182: 11476.
4.Jiabao Lin, Qinyao Zheng, Jose Benitez. Impact of digital orientation and corporate social responsibility activities on the alliance relationship stability in contract farming, Information & Management, 2024, 61(4): 103958.
5.Jiabao Lin, Yanyun Zeng, Shaowu Wu, Xin (Robert) Luo. How does artificial intelligence affect the environmental performance of organizations? The role of green innovation and green culture, Information & Management, 2024, 61(2): 103924.
6.Jiabao Lin, Yuchen Fan. Seeking sustainable performance through organizational resilience: Examining the role of supply chain integration and digital technology usage, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2024, 198: 123026.
7.Zhimei Luo, Jinyuan Guo, Jose Benitez, Laurent Scaringella, Jiabao Lin. How do organizations leverage social media to enhance marketing performance? Unveiling the power of social CRM capability and guanxi, Decision Support Systems, 2024, 178: 114123.
8.Lei Li, Jiabao Lin*. Digital transformation for the sustainable development of firms: The role of green capability and green culture, Sustainable Development, 2024, 32(3): 1861-1875.
9.Jiabao Lin, Minyi Mao. How does digital transformation affect sustainable innovation performance? The pivotal roles of digital technology–business alignment and environmental uncertainty, Sustainable Development, 2024, 32(4): 3163-3181
10.Qinyao Zheng, Jiabao Lin*. Corporate social responsibility: An enabler of organizational resilience, Management Decision, 2024, 62(6): 1905-1923.
11.Jiabao Lin, Shunzhi Lin, Jose Benitez, Xin (Robert) Luo, Aseel Ajamieh. How to build supply chain resilience: The role of fit mechanisms between digitally-driven business capability and supply chain governance, Information & Management, 2023, 60(2): 103747.
12.Lei Li, Jiabao Lin*, Wenyi Luo, Xin (Robert) Luo. The impact of artificial intelligence on customer relationship management performance in e-commerce enterprises, Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, 2023, 23(1): 68-83.
13.Shunzhi Lin, Jiabao Lin*. How organizations leverage digital technology to develop customization and enhance customer relationship performance: An empirical investigation, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2023, 188: 122254.
14.Shunzhi Lin, Jiabao Lin*, Feiyun Han, Xin (Robert) Luo. How big data analytics enables the alliance relationship stability of contract farming in the age of digital transformation, Information & Management, 2022, 59(6): 103680.
15.Lei Li, Jiabao Lin*, Ye Ouyang, Xin (Robert) Luo*. Evaluating the impact of big data analytics usage on the decision-making quality of organizations, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2022, 175: 121355 (ESI前1%高被引论文)
16.Jiabao Lin, Zhimei Luo, Jose Benitez, Xin (Robert) Luo, Aleš Popovič. Why do organizations leverage social media to create business value? An external factor-centric empirical investigation, Decision Support Systems, 2021, 151: 113628.
17.Shunzhi Lin, Jiabao Lin*, Xin (Robert) Luo, Shan Liu. Juxtaposed effect of social media overload on discontinuous usage intention: The perspective of stress coping strategies, Information Processing & Management, 2021, 58(1): 102419.
18.Jiabao Lin, Ting Li, Jinyuan Guo. Factors influencing consumers’ continuous purchase intention on fresh food e-commerce platforms: An organic foods-centric empirical investigation, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 2021, 50: 101103.
19.Jinyuan Guo, Jiabao Lin*, Lei Li. Building users’ intention to participate in a sharing economy with institutional and calculative mechanisms: an empirical investigation of DiDi in China, Information Technology for Development, 2021, 27(4): 645-669.
20.Jiabao Lin, Lei Li, Xin (Robert) Luo, Jose Benitez. How do agribusinesses thrive through complexity? The pivotal role of e-commerce capability and business agility, Decision Support Systems, 2020, 135: 113342.
21.Jiabao Lin, Zhimei Luo, Xin (Robert) Luo. Understanding the roles of institutional pressures and organizational innovativeness in contextualized transformation toward e-business: Evidence from agricultural firms, International Journal of Information Management, 2020, 51: 102025.
22.Jiabao Lin, Jinyuan Guo, Ofir Turel, Shan Liu. Purchasing organic food with social commerce: An integrated food-technology consumption values perspective, International Journal of Information Management, 2020, 51: 102033.
23.Jiabao Lin, Shunzhi Lin, Ofir Turel, Feng Xu. The buffering effect of flow experience on the relationship between overload and discontinuance intentions of users’ discontinuance intentions, Telematics and Informatics, 2020, 49: 101374. (ESI前1%高被引论文)
24.Lei Li, Jiabao Lin*, Ofir Turel, Peng Liu, Xin (Robert) Luo. The impact of e-commerce capabilities on agricultural firm performance gains: the mediating role of organizational agility, Industrial Management & Data Systems, 2020, 120 (7): 1265-1286.
25.Jiabao Lin, Zhimei Luo, Xusen Cheng, Lei Li. Understanding the interplay of social commerce affordances and swift guanxi: An empirical study, Information & Management, 2019, 56(2): 213-224. (ESI前1%高被引论文).
26.Jiabao Lin, Lei Li, Yanmei Yan, Ofir Turel. Understanding Chinese consumer engagement in social commerce: The roles of social support and swift guanxi, Internet Research, 2018, 28(1): 2-22.
27.Jiabao Lin, Yanmei Yan, Shengjun Chen, Xin (Robert) Luo. Understanding the impact of social commerce website technical features on repurchase intention: A Chinese Guanxi perspective, Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, 2017, 18(3): 225-244.
28.Bei Zhang, Jiabao Lin*, Renhuai Liu. Factors affecting the food firm's intention to control quality safety in China: the moderating effect of government regulation, Chinese Management Studies, 2016, 10(2): 256-271.
29.Jiabao Lin, Bin wang, Na Wang, Yaobin Lu. Understanding the evolution of consumer trust in mobile commerce: A longitudinal study, Information Technology and Management, 2014, 15 (1): 37-49.
30.Shaoling Fu, Jiabao Lin*, Liangyuan Sun. An empirical examination of the stability of the alliance of “a company + farmers”: from the perspective of farmers, Chinese Management Studies, 2013, 7(3): 382-402.
31.Jiabao Lin, Yaobin Lu, Bin Wang, Kwok Kee Wei. The role of inter-channel trust transfer in establishing mobile commerce trust, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 2011, 10(6): 615-625.
32.Jiabao Lin, Yaobin Lu, Bin Wang, Sibin Wu. Initial trust and adoption of mobile brokerage service, International Journal of Mobile Communications, 2011, 9(2): 124-143.
33.林家宝, 林顺芝, 郭金沅. 社交媒体超载对用户不持续使用意愿的双刃剑效应, 管理学报, 2019, 16(4): 587-594.
34.林家宝, 罗志梅, 李婷. 企业农产品电子商务采纳的影响机制研究:基于制度理论的视角, 农业技术经济, 2019(9): 129-142.
35.林家宝, 李婷, 鲁耀斌. 环境不确定性下农产品电子商务能力对企业绩效影响的实证研究,商业经济与管理,2018, 323 (9): 64-75. (人大复印资料全文转载)
36.林家宝, 李蕾, 李婷. 农产品电子商务能力对企业绩效的作用研究, 管理学报, 2018, 15(4): 608-615.
37.林家宝, 胡倩. 企业农产品电子商务吸收的影响因素研究——政府支持的调节作用, 农业技术经济, 2017(12): 110-124.
38.胡倩, 林家宝*, 李蕾, 鲁耀斌. 社会化商务特性和社会支持对水果消费者购买意愿的影响, 管理学报, 2017, 14(7): 1095-1104.
39.林家宝, 胡倩, 鲁耀斌. 社会化商务特性对消费者决策行为的影响研究——基于关系管理的视角, 商业经济与管理, 2017, 303 (1): 52-63.
40.林家宝, 万俊毅, 鲁耀斌. 生鲜农产品电子商务消费者信任影响因素分析:以水果为例, 商业经济与管理, 2015, 283(5): 5-15.
41.张蓓, 林家宝*. 质量安全背景下可追溯亚热带水果消费行为范式: 购买经历的调节作用. 管理评论, 2015, 27(8): 176-189.
42.林家宝, 鲁耀斌, 徐勇. 手机银行用户满意度与忠诚度研究. 信息系统学报, 2012, (10): 97-107.
43.林家宝,鲁耀斌,卢云帆. 移动商务环境下消费者信任动态演变研究. 管理科学, 2011, 24(6): 93-103. (人大复印资料全文转载)
44.林家宝, 鲁耀斌. 移动证券用户的初始信任模型研究. 管理评论, 2011, 23(11): 59-68.
45.林家宝, 鲁耀斌, 章淑婷. 网上至移动环境下的信任转移模型及其实证研究. 南开管理评论, 2010, 13(3): 80-89.
46.林家宝, 鲁耀斌, 张金隆. 基于TAM的移动证券消费者信任实证研究. 管理科学, 2009, 22(5): 61-71.
47.林家宝, 鲁耀斌, 张龙. 移动服务供应链的收益分配机制研究. 管理学报, 2009, 6(7): 906-909.