报告题目:Chinese Farm Operators’ Farming Experiences, Challenges and Future in the U.S.: A Phenomenological Perspective(美国华人农场主的经历、挑战与未来:基于现象学方法的研究)
报 告 人:邱泽元 教授(丁颖讲座教授)
主 持 人:胡新艳 教授
时 间:2017 年 10 月 24 日(星期二)上午 10:00
地 点:经济管理学院 511 室
邱泽元教授是新泽西理工大学环境及可持续性政策研究所的教授和主任,研究土地利用、环境科学与政策,教授面向本科生和研究生的环境经济学、流域管理和经济政策等课程。邱教授 1996 年毕业于密苏里大学农业经济系,取得博士学历;从 1996 到 2001 在该系任研究助理教授;2002 年加入新泽西理工大学,历任助理教授,副教授,教授。作为一名的资源与环境经济学家,邱教授学术研究的根本目标在于通过实施成本低效益高, 符合经济学及社会学基本原理并融入最新科技技术的环境政策措施,来取得环境质量标准。邱教授交叉地结合和应用经济学,社会学,水资源和生态系统管理、自然资源保护及环境规划等多学科的知识和技术,进行了广泛深入的具有实用价值的应用型研究。邱教授赢得了 20 项来自美国和中国各级政府部门的科研项目。累计科研资金三百七十五万美元。邱博士是其中 16 个项目的项目主持人。他的学术论文广泛地发表农业经济管理,水资源和生态系统管理,自然资源保护和环境规划等各类国际期刊上。邱教授的研究在改善环境和提升社区居民生活质量方面已经取得了显著成效。自 2010 年以来,邱教授被任命为新泽西环境保护厅科学顾问委员会成员。他还是四个国际专业期刊的编委会成员,一个期刊的学术编辑,一个期刊的副编辑。
While the total number of farms in the U.S. is decreasing, the number of farms operated by foreign born immigrants especially Chinese immigrants are rising. The research is to understand the farming experiences of Chinese farm operators, the advantages and disadvantages in operating a farm as an immigrant, the access to markets, services and resources provided by agricultural service industry and governments, and the viability of farming in the future. A descriptive phenomenology is used to achieve the research objective. As a qualitative research method, phenomenology technique has already been largely applied in social science research, but was rarely used for research in agricultural economics and management. it would be the first attempt to apply the phenomenology technique in analyzing the farming experiences of Chinese farm operators in the U.S. This research focuses on the agricultural activities of Chinese farm operators in the U.S. It offers an opportunity of observing the behaviors of Chinese farm operators under different institutional environments, which is a meaningful comparative institutional analysis. This research helps develop a deep understanding how institutions affect farm operation. Through collecting, describing and analyzing the interview data, this research attempt to understand advantages and disadvantages of Chinese farm operators in the U.S, and the problems or challenges they are facing in farming to help develop better agricultural policies to simulate growth of ethnical farm operation in the U.S.