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时间: 2017-05-10来源: 华南农业大学经济管理学院

报告题目: Systems simulation model for assessing the sustainability and synergistic impacts of sugar-sweetened beverages tax and revenue recycling on childhood obesity prevention(含糖饮料税与儿童肥胖预防)

报 告 人:刘世勇教授

主 持 人:何勤英教授

时        间:2017514日(星期日)晚上7:30

地       点:经济管理学院602

内容摘要: Recent years have witnessed prominent calls to tax sugar-sweetened beverages (SSB) to prevent obesity in the United States. Despite efforts to evaluate this proposed policy, limited data and no framework exist for evaluating long-term, dynamic, cumulative health impacts of taxing SSBs while recycling revenue to support related interventions. Systems simulation models offer an important new lens for evaluating policy interventions, but such models have traditionally under-conceptualized key implementation science concerns, such as sustainability, revenue recycling, and bringing interventions to scale. Using a system dynamics model representing implementation dynamics, this study contributes a simulation model to inform policymakers’ understanding of how allocating revenue collected by SSB taxation across sustainable implementation strategies might maximize benefits of such taxation for childhood obesity prevention.


刘世勇,获弗吉尼亚理工大学工业与系统工程(管理系统工程)博士学位,现为西南财经大学经济与管理研究院常任轨教授(tenured professor)。曾担任约翰霍普金斯全球肥胖研究中心复杂系统建模与仿真专家。目前担任纽约州立大学布法罗分校客座教授、西安交通大学全球健康研究院系统科学与健康大数据中心客座教授、西南财经大学健康政策与治理研究中心专家委员、西南财经大学大数据研究中心研究员等。长期担任EJOR, TRA, IEEE Systems Journal, Journal of Manufacturing Systems,  IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, Annals of Operations Research, Knowledge-based systems15家杂志的审稿人。

主要研究领域:主要研究方向为交通拥堵定价,交通拥堵定价收费的分配机制及其公平和效率问题,社会经济和企业系统决策和政策的设计和贯彻复杂性研究,体系工程(System of Systems)研究,近年主要研究方向为公共卫生政策及其复杂性,作为主研和外聘专家参与美国的NIH项目(约翰霍普金斯布隆伯格公共卫生学院全球肥胖中心)。曾在Transportation Research Part A》,《European Journal of Operational Research》,《IEEE Systems Journal》,《Journal of the Operational Research Society》,《Systems Research and Behavioral Research》等杂志上发表30余篇。文章被很多知名杂志包括EJORTRA, Transportation Research Part B等引用,总引用次数超过260次。
