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时间: 2017-02-24来源: 华南农业大学经济管理学院

报告题目:Did you really get the message?  Using text reminders to stimulate adoption of agricultural technologies

报 告 人:Jeffrey Alwang 教授

主 持 人:何勤英  教授

时        间:2017228日(星期二)下午400

地       点:经济管理学院602


       This paper provides evidence from a randomized control trial (RCT) conducted among potato farmers in Northern Ecuador about the impact of receipt of text message reminders on farmer knowledge about and adoption of integrated pest management (IPM) practices. The paper provides novel empirical evidence of the potential roles of reminders as post-training follow-ups in an agrarian setting. Using psychological constructs, we examine competing explanations for non-standard decision making such as low adoption of beneficial agricultural technologies. Farmers who received text messages have significantly higher knowledge scores and are more likely to adopt most IPM practices than those in the control group. The experiment provides evidences that text messages lead to behavioral changes by reducing inattention and sub-optimal heuristics in the case of complex decisions.


Jeffrey Alwang1989在康奈尔大学(Cornell University)农业经济系获博士学位,现在为弗吉尼亚理工大学农业和应用经济系教授、华南农业大学丁颖教授。在农业经济方面的研究成果丰硕,在发展中国家农经、农产品价格政策和农业环境保护政策领域已出版多本书籍以及在核心期刊上发表80多篇重要文章。曾经和正担任津巴布韦和巴拉圭政府的专家,国际牲畜研究中心、国际食物政策研究所(IFPRI)、 世界银行、国际林业研究中心(CIFOR)、农村发展的全球捐助平台和国际农业研究磋商组织(CGIAR)咨询专家,其中在世界银行负责关于减少农村贫困和农村发展方面的研究。在实践上,积极把学术成果转为政策,取得较好的效果,横向和纵向课题经费累积达到1千万美元。


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