2014.12-2015.12 美国德克萨斯州德州农工大学商学院 访问学者
2012.9-2013.1 中山大学 出国留学人员英语培训班
2011.7-2011.8 大连理工大学“新兴电子商务前沿”研讨
2006.9-2011.7 华南农业大学经济管理学院 管理学博士学位
2000.9-2003.7 华南理工大学工商管理学院 管理学硕士学位
1989.9-1993.7 昆明理工大学 工学学士学位
1. ShaolingFu,Jiabao Lin, LiangyuanSun. “An empirical examination of the stability of thealliance of “a company +famers”: from the perspective of famers”, Chinese
Management Studies, 2013,7(3):p382-402(SSCI期刊)
2. ShaolingFu,JiabaoLin,Xinyan Hu, Xiaowei Wen. “The Alliance Performanceand Stability of “A Company +Farmers”: From the Perspective of Company”, Journal of
Applied Sciences, 2013, 13(8):p1281-1288 (EI期刊)
3. 符少玲.“信任、关系承诺对信息共享及联盟绩效实证分析—基于“公司+农户”的农户视角”,华中农业大学学报(社科),2013,(5):p68-73
4. ShaolingFu,Jie Cai,Xinyan Hu. “OnThe Integrion Of The Traceability System For Livestock Products In Chian AndDevelopment Proposals”,2011E-Business and E-Government,2011年5月:p7075-7080 (EI收录)
5. ShaolingFu,Bei Zhang,Jinlin Wu, Zhihui Fan. “Based on the Investigation of the Audience in China`s NetworkAdvertising Analysis and Development Proposals”,2010International Conference on Information Management,Innovation Management and Industrial Engineering,2010年11月:P299-304(EI收录)
6. ShaolingFu,Liangyuan Sun,Jinglin Wu,Lilin Diao. “On Decision making Model for the Performance of Agricultural SupplyChain Cooperation Under Information Asymmetry”,2010International Conference on Information Management,Innovation Management and Industrial Engineering,2010年11月:P288-293(EI收录)
7. 易法敏,符少玲,兰玲. “广州市信息化水平及其与工业化融合程度评估”,科技管理研究,2009(8):278-290. (CSSCI收录)